Body Mind Spirit Expo
Feb. 25 and 26
Raleigh, North Carolina NC State fairgrounds,
Kerr Scott Building
Gift of Light Expo
March 10 and 11
Veterans Memorial,
Columbus, Ohio
Eva doing 'Angel Inspired Portraiture' at
Journeys of Life 10th annual Spring Fling
Sunday April 1, 11am to 6pm
Springhill Suites, South Side, Pittsburgh, PA
Mind Body Spirit Expo
April 13, 14, and 15
New Jersey Convention Center, Edison, NJ
Whole Being Expo
April 28-29
Antiochian Village & Retreat Center
140 Church Camp Trail, Bolivar, PA
Spring Spiritual Holistic Expo
May 19, and 20
Agri-Plex, Allentown, PA
Radio Interview
Friday, July 6th, 8:00-9:00pm
Celebration of Life Expo
Aug. 11 and 12
York Fairgrounds, York, PA
Body Mind Spirit Expo Chicago
Aug 18, 19
North Shore Performing Arts Center, Skokie, IL
Body Mind Spirit Expo Raleigh
Aug. 25, 26
Raleigh State Fairgrounds Kerr Scott Building, NC
The Journey Expo Cleveland
Sept 7 - 9 2012 (Fri. 3-8, Sat. 10 -8, Sun. 10-6)
Lakeland Community College
Kirtland, Ohio (20 miles east of Cleveland)
Fall Spiritual Holistic Expo
Sept. 15 and 16
Ag Hall, Allentown, PA Universal Light Expo
Oct.13 and 14
Veterans Memorial, Columbus, OH
Mind Body Spirit Expo
Nov. 2, 3, 4 - Booth 314
Lincoln Financial Field SCA Club
Philadelphia, PA
Victory of Light Expo
Nov. 17 and 18
Sharonville Convention Center
Cincinnati, OH
Body Mind Spirit Expo
Feb 23-24
N.C. State Fairgrounds, Kerr Scott Bldg.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Gift of Light Expo
March 9-10
Veterans Memorial Hall
Columbus, Ohio
Galactic Expo
May 18-19
Tennessee State Fairgrounds
Nashville, Tn
Universal LIght Expo
Oct. 12-13
Veterans Memorial Hall
Columbus, Ohio

Eva is available for book signings. She also does Mini-Portrait readings at parties, gatherings and shows using her Oracle Deck and watercolors. contact her at: 724-612-6114 or stardolphin77@hotmail.com